Dashboards - Quick Start Guide
  • 24 Nov 2022
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Dashboards - Quick Start Guide

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Article summary

Dashboards provide you with a dynamic view of your business’s key performance indicators and unique objectives. They are a user-friendly option that leverages natural language, enabling you to easily and quickly create completely customized dashboards.

This guide contains:

There are two primary access modes for Dashboards: View Mode and Edit Mode. This is essential to know before you begin constructing or customizing your Dashboard(s).

View Mode 

In this mode, access and view your real-time data with ease through visualizations and click on any data point to trigger the Drill Down feature (which allows you to quickly and easily access underlying data details.  

Dashboard View Mode

Edit Mode

In this mode, you can easily add and customize Tiles to your existing Dashboard. You can also adjust the underlying natural language queries and titles in each Tile. 

Dashboard Edit Mode

Creating a Dashboard 

  1. Begin by clicking +Dashboard (in the center of your screen) or by clicking the "Create Dashboard" button from the left-side navigation menu.

  2. You will be prompted to provide a title for your Dashboard. We recommend providing a title that is descriptive and will help you easily identify what information it contains.

Editing a Dashboard

  1. To add new or additional Tiles to a Dashboard, select the “Add Tile” button.
    Add Tile Dashboard
  2. Type your data-related question into the query input bar within a Dashboard tile and hit Enter on your keyboard or press the "Play" button.
    Query Input Dashboard
  3. Once your query has returned a data response, you can adjust your data visualization option. In the bottom left corner of your tile, choose the visualization graph or chart to best represent your data.

To edit the size or location of the tiles on your dashboard click here to view the full comprehensive Dashboard Guide.

Saving a Dashboard

To save your changes, click the Save icon (visible in Edit Mode).

Save Dashboard copy



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