Intro to the Interface
  • 21 Oct 2022
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Intro to the Interface

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Article summary

To get started with building or customizing your Dashboard(s), it is important to note that there are two main access modes: View Mode and Edit Mode. 

View Mode

This mode is the default mode (or view) that is available to any user who has access to Dashboards. This mode allows you – the data consumer – to access and view your real-time data in a Dashboard that you (or someone else) have already set up for you.

In this mode, explore your data with ease through clear visualizations and click on any data point to trigger the Drill Down feature, which allows you to quickly and easily access underlying data details. Dashboard View Mode

Edit Mode

You can make changes or edit existing Dashboards in Edit Mode.
In this mode, you can easily add new Dashboard Tiles, modify the size and position of Tiles, adjust the underlying natural language queries in each Tile in your Dashboard(s), change the Title/Description of individual Tiles, or toggle between different visualization options to display the data responses to your liking. 

Dashboard Edit Mode

Navigating Between “View” & “Edit” Mode 

When you access Dashboard(s), you will start out in “View Mode.” To build a new Dashboard or edit your existing Dashboard(s), simply click “Edit” to enter "Edit Mode" and begin customizing it to your liking.

Access Dashboard Edit

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